Time Strategies

I think the biggest time management strategy I can apply this semester to this class in particular is to get ahead while I have time. Every semester there always seems to be a few weeks were all of my classes have important deadlines around the same time and getting ahead in classes like this one were I typically keep a planner that has all the assignments I need to complete as well as test and quiz dates. After reading the article How Checklists Train Your Brain To Be More Productive And Goal-Oriented by Lauren Marchese, I think I may try to make my planner look more like a checklist and use stickers to mark assignments I have completed.
I also read Eat the Frog First Thing in the Morning by Thomas Oppong. The most useful thing I learned from this article was David Allen's two-minute rule. I often procrastinate small tasks and end up over-looking tasks that would be easy to complete and forget about them. I think taking time to do small things immediately will help me keep track of smaller tasks better.
Another insight into time management I hope to apply this semester is to take time to make a schedule. Particularly deeper into the semester I tend to stop making a detailed schedule of when I am going to work on assignments for each course individually and deadlines seem to approach faster and become more stressful, I hope to be more consistent in planning out my time this semester.
Checklist (Image from pixabay by Ricinator)


  1. Hi Hannah!

    I loved reading your post! Remembering to do small tasks is something I struggle with as well. One time, I had completed the entire assignment, but I forgot to upload the document onto Canvas. I ended up losing 10 points. I started to write these little tasks on my reminders app, so I could complete them as soon as possible. Hopefully, this could help you too!


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