Reading Notes: Arabian Nights Part B


  • Aladdin is an idle boy without a trade whose father dies.
  • A magician poses as his uncle and tricks him into receiving a magic lamp.
  • Aladdin refuses to hand over the lamp and is trapped.
  • Aladdin discovers a genie in a ring given to him by the magician and gets free.
  • Aladdin uses lamp and ring to create silver plates and support himself and his mother.
  • Aladdin lays eyes on the princess as she goes to the baths and falls in love with her.
  • Aladdin sends his mother to ask Sultan for the princess.
  • Sultan delays marriage of princess to Aladdin for three months at visir's insistence.
  • Visir's son is married to the princess.
  • Aladdin wishes for the marriage bed to be placed in his house and the son to be kept outside.
  • The visir divorces the princess.
  • Aladdin's mother returns to the Sultan and he demands great gifts.
  • Aladdin wishes for the gifts and gives them to Sultan.
  • Aladdin builds palace and marries the princess.
  • Magician learns of Aladdin's success and returns to China.
  • Magician tricks princess into trading the lamp for a newer lamp.
  • Magician takes palace and princess to Africa.
  • Aladdin returns and is brought to Sultan and nearly killed.
  • Aladdin asks for forty days to return princess and palace.
  • Aladdin uses the ring genie to get to the palace in Africa.
  • Princess tricks magician into drinking poisoned wine.
  • Aladdin, princess and palace return to China. 
  • Brother of magician comes to China and kills holy woman Fatima.
  • Brother tricks princess and suggests a roc's egg would look good in the palace.
  • Aladdin wishes for roc's egg and the genie gets upset but tells him about the disguised magician's brother.
  • Aladdin pretends to be sick and kills the magician's brother.
  • Aladdin and princess live happily ever after.

Green = Yucky, why is this in the story. Not a satisfying ending.

Genie returns with food for Aladdin (Photo from Wikimedia Commons)


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