Reading Notes: Sindbad Part A

Sindbad and the snake devouring Roc (Flickr)
I love Sinbad. He is a like a cat with nine lives who keeps narrowly escaping death and somehow coming out of his near-death experience richer. He always promises to stay home after each of his adventures but grows bored and ventures out to sea once again to find more trouble. Each of his voyages seem to get more ridiculous than the last. I am not convinced he is anything more than a pathological liar but his stories are very detailed and too outrageous not to be true.

Charting Sinbad's Voyages

Voyage Number
Cause of Near Death
How He Escapes
Riches Gained
Ship lands on an island that is actually a sleeping whale
Held on to a piece of driftwood until he washes up on an island
Favor/gifts of King Mihrage
Stuff is returned by a captain and he is brought home to Bagdad
Stranded on island because he is forgotten while napping
Finds roc’s egg and ties himself to roc and is carried to a new island

Island full of giant snakes
Finds meat and is picked up by an eagle who is brought to nest where merchants were seeking diamonds
Shipwrecked on island with tiny red-haired savages and man-eating giants
Is skinnier than the captain and lucky

Angry blinded giant returns with several new friends
By raft, somehow is spared though all others perish

Still more giant snakes
Climbed a tree and waits for a boat to rescue him
His merchandise is somehow returned to him with interest made by captain
Storm wrecks ship
Good fortune washed him ashore

Captured by cannibals
Does not eat much and runs away eventually
King’s favor, wife, riches from “inventing” a saddle
Buried alive
Kills others and eats their provision, follows an animal out of cavern to the seashore

Andrew Lang, The Arabian Nights' Entertainments


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