Week 8 Reading and Writing

Looking back, I have really enjoyed the storytelling assignments so far. It has been a long time since  I've been asked to write so creatively in a class and I'm starting to remember how much I actually enjoy writing. I have really enjoyed the readings so far as well. My favorite so far has either been the readings about Aladdin or Sinbad both from the Arabian Nights tradition. I liked how each story seemed familiar while also being very unique and imaginative.
With my reading notes, I have found it very helpful to outline plot points and write down things I think I'd like to change. My notes have been somewhat useful for writing stories but I think I can improve them by writing down any questions I have while reading or things that seem unusual. I think questions will help spark my creativity more and give me more ideas for what my own story will be about.

I originally included this image in my story about Aladdin from Week 5 and discovered this was an image in the Sinbad unit and thought it was fitting for this post since I enjoyed both stories so much. 


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