Learning Challenge: Pomodoro Technique

I have an essay due for my Intro to Hinduism class on Tuesday and decided that trying out this time management technique while I work on it would be a great idea. I worked about a total of 2 hours using the technique so I worked in 25 increments with 5 minute breaks and one 20 minute break after the first four 25 minute increments. I found it was really helpful for getting started because it made me want to keep working through the first 25 minutes. Typically, I get frustrated when starting a paper and end of taking really long breaks right away and this definitely helped me keep focused. Once I got going I didn't really want to stop after only 25 minutes so I think after the first increment I could work for longer chunks of time before taking a break. I think I'll probably keep experimenting with the idea of scheduling how long I'll work for and when to take breaks and come up with time increments I feel work best for me.

The Traditional Pomodoro Timer (Flickr)


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